We want to keep our terms and condition as simple as possible, therefore please read our conditions before proceeding with booking your test. Our conditions applies to both for booking online and by phone.

We are here to help you to choose the correct test for your visa application, however please remember it is your responsibility to make sure you are booking the correct test for your visa application. You can also get guidance from your solicitor or UKVISA.

Cancelation of a test booked via phone will inure a charge of £65 + £10 for Bank Charges at any stage.

Once you have registered and paid for your test we will confirm your test within 3 working days. You will be entitle to a full refund for the following reasons:

  • If we were unable to confirm your test within 3 workings days and you have decided to cancel your test before receiving your official test confirmation.
  • if we are unable to confirm your original chosen date or location.
Once we have sent your test confirmation and if you decide to cancel your test, the following conditions will apply:
  •   If you cancel your exam more than 3 Office Days before the exam is due to take place, we will charge 50% of the Entry Fee (or Re-Entry Fee, as applicable);
  •  If you cancel your exam within 3 Office Days of the exam taking place, we will charge 100% of the Entry Fee (or Re-Entry Fee, as applicable). The same applies if you fail to attend your scheduled SELT on the day of the exam.

SELT Policies & Procedures